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Friday 1 February 2019

From being a Make up Artist To a top model

By ‘God’s WILL’ I see myself where God want me to be I will not rush but go according to  his flow because he has BIGGER plans for me.
Man of many talents that's the description which is suited to be given to Percy Chingini who is well known to many as Percy Blacks.
In an interview Percy Blacks (PB) shares with us his secret behind his success and also he tells us about one of  his upcoming achievements which are to change his career.

TR:Who is Percy Blacks.Briefly tell us about your yourself?
PB:Percy Black's original name is Percy Chingini Mutema a makeup artist,hairstylist,model and gospel artist.

TR:From being a make up artists you embarked in a new adventure which is being a runway model can you tell us about yourself and your journey?
PB:It’s not easy as ABC but much of my time l would spent it on fashion shows mostly trying to mixup with designers and organizers of different events.
Wow!! It’s not easy sometimes I have to cancel appointments from clients if I have gigs that I been booked first but am gladly am managing because all of them they are my passion for life and my clients and bosses understand me so well...

TR:What challenges did you face when you entered into the industry?
PB:Firstly in the beauty industry if you not well know it’s difficult people will be having doubts they can call you names if you are a man working in the beauty industry,lack of clientele of which you need to advertise you need to work sometimes for free in order to prove you can do it, discouragement is  high as people will be comparing you with people who been in the industry for long but atleast if you get one person to help you, you well known.

TR:Can you state some of the fashion shows you have attended in as a model and in summary what have you benefited from them?
PB:NAKA Fashion show
LOWVELD Fashion show
Pretoria Fashion week etc.

TR:Among Africa's top fashion shows which are you aiming to attend and why ?
PB:The Paris fashion Week and New York fashion trust me It will be done and dusted .

TR:Your major breakthrough in the industry will be attending a fashion show in Dubai .How did it all started?
PB:I can say TOP MODEL ZIMBABWE groomed me so well  went straight for auditions on PRETORIA and it did not take time I was taken out of other models where were there that had big names on SOUTH AFRICA but God did it all for me....

TR:Where do you see your future in the modelling industry?
PB:By ‘God’s WILL’ I see myself where God want me to be I will not rush but go according to  his flow because he has BIGGER plans for me.
Being an international model,hairstylist and make-up artist...

TR:In terms of fashion you are also a stylist and one of your personal clients is Chichi from Scandal what does it mean working along side with a prominent actress?
PB:God does wonders in different ways, am that kind of person who likes challenges and not afraid of anyone person so I asked her as m home girl and she agreed and we had the best connection ever.Chichi became my sister that we talk and share problems sometimes and we give each other solutions but truely it’s Grace that is locating me somewhere big......

TR:Besides him whom have you worked with?
PB:The first of all, SHARON MANYONGANISE CHERAYI (ZIMPRAISE)the powerful woman of God we prayed for everything we wanted in 2016 and GOD started to answer them slowly,MKHULULI BHEBHE from JOYOUS CELEBRATION, ZAZA MOKHETHI from SOUTH AFRICA this was when she spoke words of good faith upon my life and GOD started to show me direction not for forgetting Miss World Zimbabwe BelindA Potts who gave me KARIN’s number while I was doing her hair...

TR:As a stylist,make up artist,hairstylist and a model how do you balance your work?
PB:It’s tough trust me but I have learned to be professional working with bookings mostly and planning my schedules if I have upcoming events and sticking to my WORK  my passion my life haha....

TR:Percy thank you for your time.

Interviewed by Tapiwanashe Rubaya

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