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Wednesday, 17 April 2019


Ronald Jay Tambane popularly known as Sir Jay is a multi-talented artist who is a model and an actor. In addition to his career portfolio he is involved into charity. He works with a non governmental organization titled,'We Care Charity ' which assist prison inmates.In an interview Jay tell us why he helps the prison inmates and what it meant to win the Best Charity award during Zimbabwe Models Awards last year.

TR:Who is Jay Tambane aka Sir Jay?
JT:I can just say I am a male model based in Harare,Zimbabwe under Top Model Zimbabwe. 
I like to think of myself as a goal driven and passionate person. My main inspiration being fashion, fitness, sport and charity.

 TR:Currently you are a student at Women's University in Africa,studying psychology. What made you to select that department?
JT:Growing up i have always been a curious individual. Asking myself why people behave the way, they behave so i,decided to pursue this as to understand these questions and this helped me to understand why people in the society act the way they act and also to understand the deviant behavior of criminals in the society 

TR:The rumour has it that the university gives a space of about 15% gentleman students. And you part of that number can we say you lucky?
JT:The simplest answer i can give to that is YES  because WUA empowers women and that's why the largest number there of students is  of females. And its an honor to be part of that number because it helps to address the gender imbalance that we have in our country and Africa as a whole.

TR:Jay you work in a number of Charity programmes one of them is working with prisoners in Harare Central Prison 
JT: My inspiration came from mostly my parents. My mother worked there before she passed away in 2011 and she always made it a habit to give whatever she could to them. 
She always said this "Prisoners are people too", that statement made me realize that it could be me in prison and i would want someone to provide something for me when i am in there. 
My father also does the same thing and i can proudly say they were my inspiration. 
From the degree i am pursuing it showed me the reasons why most of them(prisoners)commit these crimes and forgiving them for what they have done and providing the little that we can for them it helps them to become law abiding citizens when they are reintegrated back into the society.

TR:Talking about Charity you won the Best Charity during the Zimbabwe models awards 
JT:It was an honor to have won that award and also an inspiration. 
It makes us as people realise that everything we do no-matter how small matters. The award as an inspiration to me and it made me realise that i should continue doing Charity work, Mercy the owner of the organization said the same thing to me during the awards and that I  should tell people out there that giving back to society is necessary,  after all you loose nothing by giving to the less fortunate that little you can.

JT: Mostly donations and I do some counseling when i can. As for donations to inmate i give  books, some of them are in school, since most inmates attend school In Prison.
 Most of them need shoes to use when they are working. And most of them need things like soaps, towels,  also food, so i try to offer all this when i can. In my work there i have selected a few that i do counsellings sessions with and mostly i realized that the crimes that they commit are because of misunderstandings, lack if education and poverty.

 TR:What lessons have you learn't since you established your charity organization?
TJ:Some of the lessons include, there are a lot of people who need help out there and the things you do no-matter how small helps and matter a lot to those you do it to.


The Charity Organization is called We Care Charity being a Product of Cool Kids Zimbabwe and my little brother's brain child Rodwell Tambade. The main sponsors of my charity Organisation are the youth of zimbabwe mostly upcoming models, singers and teens with big hearts. The donations come inform of anything they can so that we can help the less Fortunate. Me and some few members of We Care pay monthly subscriptions that we pay and use the money for donations when we reach a curtain amount. 
Assistance can be inform of toys for donations to children's homes, clothes, shoes, food, books and even money that we can use to buy things for donations. My contact numbers are +263775116455 whatsapp and +263775613035 for calls.

By Tapiwa Rubaya 


  1. This is wonderful πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘
    My fellow models and youths let's learn from this guy. Comment from ZambiaπŸ‡ΏπŸ‡²
