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Wednesday 20 March 2019


 When one turns a year old people expect one to loss their style,but its not the same with Zimbabwe's award winning fashion stylist, Welsh The Stylist. He turned 31 this month and he keeps looking younger and sexy.  

Welsh The Stylist is an award winning fashion stylist and had been nominated for his modelling talent. In an interview as we celebrate his birthday, we talk to Welsh about fashion and his new EP 'Fashion Meets Music.

Q:Happy belated birthday Welsh.What does  it mean to you to have another year added to you in your 30s?
A:Thank you very much,it means more wisdom in my life because it’s not by Mighty nor by power but by His grace...

Q:31 years but you still look young what is your secret?
A:The key is take care of yourself, wake up take a bath and slay ...Always pray.

Q:You have been in the fashion industry for a long time now what has evolved for you,since you entered in the industry?
A:A lot evolved, the artists now value collaborations eg stylists, designers ,united we stand , divided we fall.
The fact that I am one of the first stylist in the city of Kings and Queens.When l started, it was 'vague' to call yourself a stylist...but now people can relate.

Q:You celebrated your birthday in style as you launched your EP 'Music Meets Fashion' and also you performed at a fashion event. Can you tell us more about your EP?
A:Music meets fashion, EP, is meant to infuse the fashion and music aspects in my life.
We need more style on stage to sale more to explore the international boundaries .

Q:Last year we saw your music career going up the ladder,where do you see your brand going this year?
A:I'm working on my clothing line 'Welsh The Stylist' launch this year.

Q:One might wonder how do you manage to collaborate Fashion and Music?
A:As an artist you must be diverse, remove blinkers and come out of the box and be versatile..

Q:As you are moving with both fashion and music.Can you share with us some of your projects that you working on this year?
A:My clothing line launch is the main focus, it’s been a long time for its launch coming...this year.

Q:In fashion as a stylist what has been the trending in the fashion world in Zimbabwe?
A:Many people now favour vintage brands like 'kappa track suits' ,Ideal for winter.l like them in different colours.

Q:What are the don't s that you have witness this year's first three month?
A:I feel like the all white themed functions are now outdated.

Q:As we conclude .what did you wish for you birthday ...
A:The wish that I made was to inspire and groom more youngsters in fashion industry.

Pic credit: Vodloza Concept
Interviewed by Tapiwa Rubaya

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